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First bag tag round -

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First bag tag round -  Empty First bag tag round -

Post  Mr.Rob Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:08 pm

Hey guys, I had my first bag tag round today. It was a blast! I now know where I stand as far as my skills as a disc golf player is. Granted I didn't do as good as normal due to the playing with new people. But still had a great time!

Hell.. I showed up with a tag.. and left with the same one lmao. So it wasn't total loss haha!

Though I can't say the same for my buddy Disco. He was in a group that was very serious and instead of having a good time decided to talk about the rules and what to do an not to do the whole time. So his game was shot from the get go. He actually almost left. His next round after the bag tag he had a -3 going into 18 off the red tees playing with me and Joel. Kinda disappointing.

Guess that's something we are going to have to get used to..

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First bag tag round -  Empty Re: First bag tag round -

Post  Panda Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:49 pm

I am glad that you had a good time Rob. As far as Disco goes.... he was was on my card. In the beginning of the round he stated himself asking to point out anything he might be doing wrong because he wanted to learn. Nobody and I mean NOBODY on my card pointed out anything until after he threw or putted. All we were doing is what he asked of us. We let him play his game. Nobody tried to call him on foot fault's or anything he was doing wrong. Yes, it is something you are going to have to get use to. There are some that do take this game serious. Me being one of them,but I am no rule Nazi. I am more concerned about my game and no one Else's!. I do even remember Joel telling him that their are some people that will do that,but not to worry about anyone doing that to him on the card he was playing on. We all understood he was new to this. So if he felt he shot bad because we were trying to explain the rules to him,then that's on him. He shouldn't of asked us and he also shouldn't try and place the blame on us for trying to explain the rules like he asked us to do.

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First bag tag round -  Empty Re: First bag tag round -

Post  Mr.Rob Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:29 pm

I think I didn't explain myself correctly. What I was saying was the group was just being too serious. Which is not a bad thing. We just thought it would be more casual. Example my group was more layer back. First time out guess just not used to it lol. But again this is all what I came up with from talking to him. So if he feels like commenting here I'm sure he can better explain.


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Age : 40

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First bag tag round -  Empty Not Rob Disco Here

Post  Mr.Rob Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:19 pm

Hey Im Disco im waiting for my verification or just having registration issues so Rob is letting me reply under his acct.

I did not have a great time today at the bag tag rounds but it was mainly due to me having the worst game evarrrrrr!! Sad I did ask for all the tips I could get and I was THANKFUL for all the tips I got. Very Happy I did learn a ton and will be more confident after today with my game. I went out there expecting more of a laid back environment since thats just the way me and my friends play. But the way we play is obviously bad practice if we are expecting to play in more serious settings which I do want to do. I want to be able to play with all of you more and learn more. I just need to adjust my style and continue to learn.

Again 99% of my bad time out there was my trying so hard to play well around the players ive been looking up to, and completely failing at it. I let myself down and played like an idiot and did not and would not place any blame on anyone else but myself for a bad round. Ill see you all next time.

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Age : 40

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First bag tag round -  Empty Re: First bag tag round -

Post  KEYCHAINSRK Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:38 pm

Holy Moly...........!! affraid Everybody take a deep breath! @ Rob, glad you had a good time and yes, some cards are more laid back than others. @ Disco, my bad! I told you at the start to play the same way you play any other time. This was not knowing you would be put on one of the lead cards your first time in a bag tag round. Some people playing for the gold tags, take things very serious. I will be more than happy to play a round with you next week and answer any questions that might come up about the game. The guys you were playing with are very knowledgeable and Jeff our Pres. is a pretty good teacher. I understand completely about having a bad round. Remember...+17!!! No It will get better!

Thanks to both of you for coming out, see BOTH of you at the food toss!!


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First bag tag round -  Empty Disco again here

Post  Mr.Rob Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:42 am

Thanks Ronda but really im not upset at anyone but myself for a bad round. And like Rob stated earlier I had a great next round and it totally fixed my day. -1 after somewhere around +18 will work wonders. I learned a ton from the guys on my card and I really do hope to play with them all again only next time ill be better prepared to play with the big boys. Very Happy.

And Jeff you guys did exactly what I asked y'all to do by giving me pointers and such I think Rob just misunderstood what made my round bad and why some of the rules I learned seemed odd to me. Like I said earlier now its up to me to adjust my game according to the rules and proper etiquette of the sport if I plan to persue it to more than just a "game". Ill see y'all out there soon. Smile

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Age : 40

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First bag tag round -  Empty Re: First bag tag round -

Post  DISCKEY Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:22 am

"HOLY MOLY"..........wasn't that a big green Indian or something? Laughing


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First bag tag round -  Empty Disco again here

Post  Mr.Rob Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:56 am

Yeah I just hope I didn't just get seriously alienated from a total misunderstanding. Much thanks and respect to Jeff, Tron, KC, and Joel.

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First bag tag round -  Empty Re: First bag tag round -

Post  KEYCHAINSRK Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:43 pm

@ Disco! know worries, all is good!

@ John, Yes and Tell me brother....Did you see him run?! Laughing

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Age : 58
Location : Fort Walton Beach, Florida

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