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Food Toss Results for 10-1-11 (Am Tees)

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Food Toss Results for 10-1-11 (Am Tees) Empty Food Toss Results for 10-1-11 (Am Tees)

Post  dookiedog Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:22 am

For our first Saturday food toss, we had 12 people show. Chris and John C. won. John C. got an ace on hole #2! Nice ace John!

We collected:
19 Cans
$12 for HH
$5 for PDGC

The updated Am Tees Handicaps that we will be working with on 10-15 are as follows:

Gary H. -1.6
Patsy H. 9.3
Rob -0.8
John C. -0.3
Brian -5.6
Chance 9.6
Kimberly 8.0
Chris -3.2
Eric 0.0
Dwight 6.4
Robin 5.6
Bob 2.4

Since we had several first-timers this week, I will explain what you are seeing in these numbers.
The NEGATIVE numbers means that we ADD that amount to the final score to get the handicapped score.
The POSITIVE numbers means that we SUBTRACT that amount from the final score to get the handicapped score.

For example, My handicap (Brian) is -5.6, meaning that if I shoot a 47 next time, we would ADD 5.6 (rounded up to 6) strokes to that score, giving me a handicapped score of 53.

The Am Tees handicaps and the Pro Tees handicaps are calculated separately, and I update them within a few days after each weekly round.

Thanks to all who showed on Saturday! I had a great time, and I hope you did too! Hope to see everyone this Saturday, when we will be playing the Pro Tees.


Posts : 120
Join date : 2010-07-26
Age : 57
Location : Fort Walton Beach

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